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"Beloved, I pray

that in all respects

you may prosper

and be in good health, just as your soul prospers."                                   III John 2



For Those Ready To Take Their Wealth To The Next Level
Principled Prosperity In Practice - The Best Of Both Worlds

Wealth is often defined as an abundance of financial resources and material possessions.  In short, having a lot of “stuff” or the ability to get a lot of “stuff”.


Prosperity, while encompassing wealth, is so much more than just the ability to accumulate a lot of “stuff”.  It is wealth taken to the next level.


Many people confuse amassing substantial material wealth with being prosperous. Others know the difference, yet still attempt in vain to try to use their wealth thinking they can purchase prosperity.  Wealth is often temporary, prosperity is usually more consistent over the long term.


"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth. Trouble doesn't come with it." Proverbs 10:22


You can be wealthy, but not prosperous. Actually, that's not unusual. The tabloids are full of individuals of substantial wealth that are not prospering.  Unfortunately, the trials and tribulations of the “rich and famous” have become little more than society’s entertainment.


Prosperity is more than just accumulating material possessions, it also includes additional factors which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees and possibly even more gratifying, such as satisfying personal and family relationships, individual achievement, happiness, health, peace, contentment, joy as well as the general state of flourishing, thriving, enjoying good fortune and / or enjoying successful social status.


Therefore, in addition to focusing exclusively on gathering material possessions, prosperity usually contains a substantial spiritual component as well.


“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and yet forfeit his soul?”  Mark 8:36


Most people profess spiritual beliefs of one type or another and to varying degrees, where their stewardship of their wealth in this world may impact their position in the "next".  Nevertheless, this important spiritual aspect of prosperity is usually ignored by most conventional “wealth advisors”.


As expressed by John Wesley: 


 “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” 


However most of today's industry-leading wealth “experts”  and advisors of all types, - CPA's, attorneys, investment advisors, wealth managers, etc are reluctant to address what may be acceptable / spiritually required “stewardship” and what may be a “proper accumulation and use of wealth” according to certain spiritual beliefs.  It’s just not in their normal skill set or even something many of them ever think about – even for themselves. 


Many seem more concerned about the possibility of what may be referred to as an "Audit From Hell" than they are about the final judgment that could result in the literal   "Audit To Hell"!


As political correctness consumes society, most financial advisors go out of their way to avoid all such conversions.  They and / or their companies may be afraid of possibly alienating a client by even bringing up the subject.  Most are content to leave such discussion of “stewardship”, religious responsibility and any potential ramifications to the individual, their “spiritual counselors”, and their faith’s leadership – regardless of the potential consequences to the client.


However, very few leaders in the faith community are comfortable or qualified to opine on any individual’s specific investment or tax strategies or their estate plan.  Spiritual leaders may also be concerned about the perception of potential conflicts of interest – especially as it may relate to charitable donations.  


Thus, many faith leaders are reluctant to appropriately address financial issues for concerns of potential misunderstandings or criticism and are thus content to remain “independent” and defer such discussion of anyone’s specific financial planning, wealth management, and tax strategies to the “professionals”.


Because of legitimate concerns of not wanting to “overstep their bounds” by those in financial and faith leadership, as a result, many of the wealthy are probably not as prosperous as they might otherwise be, and with potentially serious consequences - in both this world and the next!


Unfortunately for many that are spiritually inclined; wealth, the proper accumulation of wealth and the subsequent stewardship of that wealth are fundamental tenets of most major religions.


In fact, in many faiths, the proper accumulation and use of wealth influence one's immediate happiness in this world, but also the “next”.  It can be determinative and essential to one’s salvation - upon which one will ultimately be judged after death and be either eternally rewarded or doomed accordingly.


As the liberal British economist John Maynard Keynes noted when arguing for government intervention to stimulate short term economic activity, “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. “


There is a plethora of financial advisors of every sort, style and philosophy - with various credentials and accreditations competing to help you get more stuff, manage the stuff you already have, and eventually pass along all of your stuff to other people. This includes teams of highly paid advisors to concoct elaborate “estate plans” so you will know to the penny, ultimately who gets how much of your stuff.


Ironically, all too often the most critical element of all “sophisticated” estate plans is usually overlooked.  What are the deceased’s “plans” for the next world and are his plans for this world and the next compatible? 


Is it possible to have worldly wealth but be spiritually bankrupt? 


Many know the value of their worldly accounts to the penny, but what do their heavenly accounts contain?  Shouldn’t the best of wealth management and estate plans consider both the immediate worldly “short term” as well as the eternal “long term” and be consistent and compatible?


To hear many advisors tell it, the road to riches (and maybe ruin) is broad and can accommodate everyone able to pay their fees and retain their services.  Few are concerned about “long term” prosperity.


However, as previously noted, even with the best of wealth managers and financial advisors, there are many “wealthy” that are not prospering – even in the short term.  


It's because the inverse relationship between wealth and happiness has long been well documented – from ancient Greek mythology of King Midas and the “Midas Touch”, to Christian scripture, "But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction." 1 Timothy 6:9, to the many modern studies on the subject, that we are cautious of many promised roads to riches that may result in personal ruin of some type.


Consequently, finding the path to prosperity can be challenging.  It is narrow and few ever find it.  Once found, successfully navigating the path over the long term can be vexing with the many distractions, “false prophets’, and “blind guides”. Having the right guide that knows the way is essential.


Thus, Aldersgate Advisors is distinctly different from most other “advisors” and offers unique scientific insights and Christian perspectives that take the best of conventional wealth management to the next level – to maximize both short and long term prosperity.


We seek the best of both worlds – science and scripture - wealth and prosperity –

in both the short and “long term” - in this world and the next - the possible gateway between such leading advisors as BNY Mellon Wealth Management and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.


If you would like more wealth and prosperity or have any doubts or concerns about your long term prosperity, perhaps it's time to explore Aldersgate Advisors.   


We invite you to read more about what sets us apart from other advisors.


Please let us know how we may serve you.


"I (Jesus) came that they might have life,

and have it more abundantly". John 10:10



"And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches."  Proverbs 24:4


Do you know what may be the greatest obstacle to your prosperity - preventing you from earning all you can, and  living the fully abundant life God desires for you?


Your decisions in life (and after) are no better than your information. Not just what you know, but when you know it. That's especially true for business,  financial, tax and investment decisions.


Aldersgate Advisors is uniquely able to blend the best of the scientific / secular with the proven and predictable insights into human behavior to provide information advantages and proprietary strategies that lead to better business and  financial decisions and greater wealth - without sacrificing long term prosperity.


Find out how to overcome what may be the greatest impediment to your prosperity.


And He (Jesus) said to them, "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."  Luke 20: 25


The federal government reports that more than half of all tax payers using professional tax advisors regularly over pay their taxes by not taking full advantage all available code provisions.  


High income earners tend to overpay the most.  It is not uncommon for high income earners to consistently year in and year out - over pay their taxes by as much as 50%.


Unnecessarily overpaying taxes is not good stewardship.


Saving all you can certainly includes minimizing the overpayment of taxes to only pay what is legitimately owed - no more - no less. 


Find out what you can do to stop overpaying your taxes.


"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do".   Ephesians 2:10


We are not just talking about money, but also devoting your time to

what is important to you. We want you to be able pursue your passions, without financial constraints or concerns.  Giving can mean spending time with loved ones, giving time as a volunteer, and of course it also means having the financial ability for philanthropic pursuits.


Social scientists call it "Self-Actualization or Self-Transcendence" - finding what you are designed to do, doing it, and then helping others to fulfill their calling.


Aside from the special gift many have of earning wealth, we are all uniquely created with special gifts, talents, interests, and passions that we are blessed with so as to be a blessing to others.  Nature and the environment, yachting, horses, special needs children, the economically disadvantaged, medical missions, are just a few.


Our calling is to help you reach the point where you are able to give freely to whatever it is that makes your life worth living - whatever "floats your boat" so to speak.

"One hundred years from now, it will not matter, what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much I had in my bank, nor what my clothes looked like.   One hundred years from now, the world may be ... a little better because... I was important in the life of a child" - Forest Whitcraft


© 2023 Aldersgate Advisors.

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